By Malinda Klosterman

As anyone who has ever participated in sports understands, aches and pains from athletic undertakings are common. Worse, millions of athletes every year experience injuries that result in more serious ongoing pain. A Lakeland FL chiropractor can provide the injury pain relief these athletes need and assist in their physical recovery.

Obviously, most people are aware of injuries related to so-called violent sports such as hockey and football. Still, athletes who play tennis, basketball, and even slower-paced games like softball and baseball can also experience regular pain and injury. Almost any sporting activity can leave the body susceptible to the stresses that cause ongoing aches and pains.

Sports medicine has come a long way in recent years, and is very proficient at helping athletes recover from their actual injuries. Often times, however, there are lingering problems that continue to cause pain. At such times, medical science often fails to provide the solutions these athletes need to enjoy full recovery from their injuries and related discomfort.

That usually requires tackling pain at its source. Injuries often leave the entire body out of alignment, placing stress on bones, nerves, and muscles. That results in pain that can last long after an injury is healed. Because chiropractors focus on caring for the entire body, they can often help to alleviate that discomfort.

Spinal alignment is a top priority at most chiropractic sessions. Manual manipulation of the spine restores alignment, while tight muscles are addressed through massage and direct manipulation of tissue. Together, these techniques alleviate bone and muscle stress that impacts the nerves that often cause pain and prevent full recovery.

Medical science now helps athletes enjoy faster recoveries from injury than were once though possible. Sadly, however, those recoveries often fail to deal with chronic pain issues. The good news is that chiropractors can offer solutions to ensure that recovering athletes don't have to live with that discomfort.

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