A diet consisting of minimal carbohydrates can be referred a ketogenic diet. This is where your body relies on less than 50 grams of carbohydrates and your body's enzymatic machinery uses fat as the main source of fuel.

The Atkins and Paleo diets are examples of diets that are low in carbohydrates and utilize fats as the source of fuel. This is no doubt the most affective diet for lowering overall body fat percentage.
Have you wondered why obesity and diabetes is so prevalent in the typical American diet?

The American diet has upwards of 300 grams of carbohydrates and if you read on, you'll see why this is an extreme detriment to ones health. By drastically lowering the carbohydrates consumed, your body goes into a natural state of 'ketosis' where 'fats' become the source of fuel.

Our overconsumption of carbohydrates has made our body rely on it for fuel however our ancient ancestors millions of years ago were able to survive without the availability of rice, breads and pasta and as such were free of the chronic illnesses we have today as a result of eating carbohydrate based food.

But didn't they live to 30?

Yes but the main cause of death was due to accidents. Historical studies show that the removal of accidents as a cause of death would have skyrocketed their life expectancy. This was due to their diet and lifestyle. A book called the Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson details how our diets and lifestyles should mirror the lifestyles of that of our ancient ancestors - the main bullet point of the book was to avoid carbohydrates (besides nutritious veggies and fruit).

According to the majority of the weight loss industry, weight loss should revolve around calorie control. This is based on the idea that all calories (despite what macro-nutrient it is) are the same and only vary depending on there quantity. The controlling of the amount calories consumed and not what 'type' of calories consumed is a good reason why so many dieters fail or put back on their weight.

Understand that eating carbohydrates raises blood sugar levels which release a lot of insulin into the bloodstream. Insulin is the main inhibitor of lipolysis (the break down of stored fat for energy). If glucagon is to be released (the prime hormone responsible for breaking down stored fat for energy) blood glucose levels must be lowered. Insulin and glucagon are day and night; they will not co-exist. Insulin resistance and obesity are the result of something called 'hyper-insulinism': highly elevated levels of insulin. Being fat has nothing to do with consuming too many calories but an over abundance of insulin in your body.

The best way to control insulin levels is to follow a ketogenic diet (low carb diet). Different things you can eat are:
- extra virgin olive oil
- Nuts and Seeds
- cheeses

-Natural and preferably organic peanut and almond butter
- Fish
- Eggs
- Poultry
- Pork
- Fibrous Veggies
- Red meat
- Avocados
- Whole Raw Milk

Here are the benefits of following a low carb/ketogenic diet.
- Single digit body fat
- Decreased serum triglyceride levels
- Increase in good cholesterol, decrease in bad cholesterol
- Increased levels of testosterone
- Increased insulin sensitivity
- Consistent energy levels throughout the day
- Weight loss

Al Commings is a weight loss blogger and bodybuilding enthusiast. Here is another informative article regarding safe and affective weight loss.

If you're serious about weight loss, fitnessdietandnutrition.com has dozens of free articles that discuss weight loss and a variety of other health related topics.

Good luck on your weight loss journey!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Al_Commings