By Sharron Cantu

Certified Guides have been given permission by different entities and a Medium to take people on a journey of enlightenment. The journey is to tour the many different aspects of sacred healing sites in Brazil. Known as the John of God Healing tour, The Friends of the Casa have provided a code of ethics which all guides must follow.

Most associated guides have a wealth of experience. Having spent several years as guides and developed reputations for excellent work with visitors in the past. A reality that results in the tours being some of the best organized and most pleasurable in the region. The tours are offered from four to six times of year during different seasons.

Being certified by The Casa or other organization in Brazil is preferable, though it is always best to use a certified guide when and where possible. In order to plan a successful journey, it is essential that the tour guide schedules fit with those of the traveler. One reason why there are multiple guides and tours is to attract travelers of all different lifestyles and schedules.

In most cases, a guide meets an individual or group in Brazilia on a specified date. After which, an air conditioned ride by way of bus or taxi takes the visitor or visitors to a five star hotel overlooking a lake with a beautiful swimming pool. Those who arrive or are still on-site on a Saturday can experience one of Brazil's most famous all you can eat buffets.

Once all attendees are on-site, the group meets with the guide to plan and organize the tour. Each day has a different offering, the first being to tour the many different churches and temples in the region. Visiting these and other sacred healing sites in the area often make up the remainder of the tour.

Most guides find this the best way to start the tour. There are some which may design and organize different tours. Often a once in a lifetime experience, most individuals prefer guides who are certified and experienced.

Upon completion of the tour, individuals arrive at the Abadiania, one of the most reasonable accommodations in the region. While quite simple, it is clean and comfortable. The establishment is also a two minute walk to the Casa. As with most lodging, there is also wi-fi access, an on-site laundry and other amenities available either free or for a nominal charge. For water lovers, there is a swimming pool built into amazing gardens.

Once at the Casa, the food is as much a part of the process as these other elements. With lots of fresh fruit, veggies, salads, beans, rice and other nutritional foods, the body can heal over time. Whereas, with exercise, meditation, prayer and treatment so too the mind and soul.

This tour is most beneficial for those feeling confused about symptoms related to wellness. Whether emotional, physical or spiritual, a psychic health advisor can be a great way to find answers to the confusion. Reputable psychic advisors are highly skilled at assisting visitors in locating and healing the cause of an illness not only a cure or treatment.

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