By Jay Dy

A healthy back plays a critical role in quality of life. Millions of Americans suffer with back pain caused by accidents that strain muscles, sprain ligaments, damage joints, and rupture disks. Kent chiropractic care offers natural healing solutions without the need for prescription pain medications or invasive and risky surgery.

Chiropractors do not believe in taking a "one-size-fits-all" approach to health care. Every individual who visits a chiropractor undergoes a custom care plan after careful examination by the health care professional. Some people respond better to certain chiropractic care techniques while other people respond better to other techniques.

Most chiropractors concentrate on using eight to ten different spinal manipulation techniques, even though there are more than 100 in practice. These techniques guide the vertebrae and disks back into alignment to restore normal range of motion. At the same time, manipulations help eliminate inflammation, which is the most common cause of pain.

Spinal decompression is a technique useful for relieving pain in the neck, back, and legs. Decompression is a traction therapy that stretches the spine. This technique is useful for forcing bulging or herniated disc material back into position. With stretching, the affected disc experiences a low-pressure environment, which allows nutrients to reach the area and speed up the healing process.

The Activator Method is another popular chiropractic care technique that promotes healing. The chiropractor uses a spring-loaded instrument to deliver a quick impulse to a targeted point on the spine. The device reacts too quickly for the muscles to anticipate the impulse and react to it.

Chiropractors believe that clients benefit most from chiropractic care when they make healthy lifestyle choices. These professionals offer advice about how to eat a healthy diet and the best ways to lead an active lifestyle. This whole body approach to healing can help clients eliminate the pain associated with back injuries.

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