By Kenneth Schmidt

When it comes to relieving anxiety, depression, pain and other conditions, there are a number of options. While different treatments exist for various conditions and illnesses, using essential oils for relief is one of the best. While these oils come from natural flora and fauna, prescription and over the counter medications often contain heavy chemicals. As such, the side effects of using these natural products are often less severe than other medications.

Many of these offerings are one hundred holistic and natural. As such, drug interactions which can often occur between natural supplements and prescription drugs are often non-existence. Although, it is always good to check with a primary care provider before adding any natural healing product to an existing treatment plan.

Unlike amino or fatty, essential oils are most often extracted by distillation. In most cases, the process uses steam to do so. Although, there are other methods. These include cold processing, resin tapping, absolute and solvent extraction and expression. Once extracted, the oils can be used in cleaning supplies, flavoring food and drink, creating incense, perfumes, soaps and cosmetics.

These essences have also been used in medicine for quite some time. In these cases, the products can be sold as remedies for a number of conditions. For example, many have been used in treatment related to cancer and other terminal illnesses. As a result, most countries have established strict rules, regulations and guidelines when it comes to using these natural essences as medication.

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, the United States went through a period of somewhat anti-nature before the trend became more popular in the 1990s. As such, there is now a revival of sorts when it comes to using the essence of flora and fauna as a valid form of mediation. Aromatherapy and success play important roles in the reality of this popularity. For, studies have shown that when aromatherapy is used in treatment, it can have a drastic effect on how the body acts and reacts over time.

These essence oils can be used to scent the air, create incense, make candles and soap, and other items. Most massage therapists use at least one form of these aspects during treatment to help calm and relax clientele. Whereas, some individuals prefer burning incense at home, using natural air fresheners and a nebulizer filled with different scents as needed to relieve pain, or calm anxiety and depression.

The four most common of all essences are eucalyptus, tea tree oil, peppermint and lavender. In addition, rose oil can provide a calming effect in both animals and humans. As such, while research in regard to essences and pets has only just begun, it appears that animals can also experience benefits when it comes to using these products.

Ibn a-Baitar has been credited with discovering the single distillation process to distract these essences. While most are still derived through this method, there is one exception. For, those using the y-lang y-lang method have often reported that it can take up to 22 hours before a fraction of an essence can be distilled unlike that of single distraction which can take far less time while producing more oil.

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