By Margarita Joseph

In order to function effectively, bones need support from joints that are working properly. They are an integral part of the skeletal system that provide movement. When these joints do not work properly for a various number of reasons, individuals begin suffering pain. There are many different ways used to deal with this pain. Conventional medicines, light exercise, diet and using supplements for natural joint relief are some of these methods.

Joints begin to give problems due to many factors such as aging, injury, autoimmune diseases and over-use. Joints consist of two bones held together by ligaments. The bones are prevented from grinding against one another by cartilage. When any of the elements of the joints like the ligaments, cartilage or synovial fluid are not working as they should, the bones begin to grind together, causing pain and inflammation.

In conventional medicines, pain is eased through the use of drugs that are used either orally or by injection. The main types of drugs used are steroids like cortisone and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) like ibuprofen or aspirin. These drugs relieve pain but they do not repair the damage. They also have some side effects like gastrointestinal problems and may even cause heart problems if used on a long term basis.

There are other ways than using conventional medicines to treat problems with joints. Hot and cold therapy as well as massage are well known for their soothing effects. Light exercise, particularly in water, strengthens the muscles surrounding the joints, increasing mobility. Dietary supplements are becoming very popular with a vast number available for purchase.

As there are hundreds of different supplements on the market all claiming to be the best, some research helps you to make more informed decisions when making your selection. Many supplements when analyzed fall way short of what is stated on the label. There are natural alternatives with anti-inflammatory effects including turmeric, ginger, green tea, devils claw, rosemary and willow bark. Some of these also have side effects but these are usually not as severe as those experienced with traditional drugs.

Many supplements offer a combination of ingredients like Glucosamine Sulphate and Chondroitin Sulphate that help to heal repair and maintain the joints. Glucosamine Sulphate is an amino acid that occurs naturally in the body and it strengthens and repairs cartilage as well as increasing lubrication. Chondroitin sulphate assists cartilage to hold nutrients and water. It helps joints to absorb shock and blocks the breaking down of cartilage.

A compound found in humans, animals as well in many foods is reported to reduce pain and improve mobility. It is an organic sulfur called methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) and is included in many supplements. Its use is based on the premise that many people lack sulfur which strengthens collagen.

Many supplements claim to not only reduce pain but to work on the tissues of joints. It is often better to use such a supplement sooner rather than later to give it time to have an effect. It is important to be an educated consumer as products vary considerably with regard to price and effectiveness. You need to compare ingredients and their quality as well as price in order to make an informed decision about natural joint relief.

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