By Lisa Williamson

To reverse insulin resistance is more important today than it was in the past as it has become a widely spread medical syndrome. This is because a greater percentage of patients who are diabetic already have signs of this syndrome. This is a worrying situation because these signs are usually preceded by type II diabetes and associated health problems. Therefore, methods and techniques of reversing it present a big opportunity for the human race.

The roles of insulin in the human body have to be explained so that the syndrome is understood. In simple terms, it is a chemical produced inside the pancreas and its role is to help tissue cells grab sugar components from the blood vessels. The pancreas has censor cells that detect sugar levels in blood levels and then responds by secreting insulin for the body to be able to produce energy from the sugars absorbed. Resistance happens when the cells become unable to absorb sugars.

The above phenomena and its consequences can be undone in several ways. The most obvious one is that the affected person should get physically fit by undertaking rigorous activities. This has positive results in that the person looses body fats by oxidation thereby loosing excess sugar in the blood is thus making cells be responsive to insulin effects.

Secondly, consuming a good meal can help in reversing this problem. One should steer clear of meals that contain a high glycemic presence. These kinds of meals are loaded with big proportions of processed sugars and fats, and should therefore be shunned. Instead, they should take a balanced meal that contains high fiber, green vegetables, and low natural sugars. These meals assist in a correct metabolism rate and therefore reducing the effects of this syndrome.

Several nutritional supplements work in concert with the healthy diet taken. One should take the initiative of identifying the best supplements available because of their exceptional properties in stabilizing its levels. For example, some processed foods lack chromium therefore other extra sources have to be identified. Chromium is important as it increases cells tolerance to the hormone.

There is a positive correlation between the amount of stress a person has and the level of this medical condition. It is important to contain stressful episodes in order to minimize its effects. Several of its effects are harmful and have a tendency of interfering with a number of organ functionality. Stress causes rapid variations in blood sugars that make the pancreas to retaliate in a wrong way thus becoming spoiled in the process.

Doctors could also suggest a variety of pharmaceutical drugs to patients suffering from this condition. This is only to be undertaken if the situation escalates to full diabetes so that its symptoms are minimized. Apparently, their side effects cause the patient gain more body weight and it further increases incidences of heart attacks. Fortunately there are new medicines produced which have minimal side effects.

Medical experts suggest that further inquiry into the functions of the hormone has to be undertaken. This was instigated after some new research revealed that it is one of the most important hormone in the body. Further inquiry is therefore important as the problem causes many deaths even with the current achievements in medicine and technology.

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