By Elaine Guthrie

Different metals are found in different parts of the world. It is hard to differentiate these metals and you need the help of an expert. The experts use colors, weight, and shape to classify them. They will show you on the methods to test the toxic metals. You should keep off toxic metals as they can cause serious health hazards that may even result to death. You therefore need to be careful when buying metallic elements and products. Go through the ingredients used and make sure they are human friendly. It is true that nickel causes hair loss you need to be extra careful when buying hair products.

Metals are naturally available. You only need to go to the right sources and mine them. They must undergo purification and separation process for them to be useful. You need to make sure you know the method used to extract this metal for you to easily get it. You need to also understand that the component is very toxic hence making it dangerous for human use.

Itchiness, skin piling-off, rashes, and sports are the main symptoms of this element once it gets in touch with the human skin. There is no standard treatment but the specialists are still researching on this metal. They are researching on other symptoms and conditions that may be caused by the component. They are also trying to come up with a standard prescription to cure the conditions.

After contacting the metal, you may experience swelling or headache. These are the main sighs of allergy conditions. These symptoms are seen after hours of contacting this metal. Your immunity will determine the extend the condition affects your body. You need to make sure you feed healthy to strengthen your immunity for you to withstand such conditions.

Once you notice these symptoms, consult your medical provider. They will observe the physical damage and carry out several test to identify the exact element that caused the damage. Blood test can be done to check whether there is a major damage to your body. The doctor will prescribe drugs that will boost the healing process.

Such allergies are preventable. Avoiding any contamination with the metal is the main way to prevent these conditions. Once you learn you have an allergy make sure you stay away of them. You can test whether you are allergic to a substance using the home test kits. It is hard to avoid this metal as many components have it as an element.

List down all the products that have these elements, this will make it even easier to avoid them. Lotions, soaps, and body creams are the main products with these elements. Consider looking at the components used to make these products before buying them. This will make sure your hair and skin remain healthy

Certain shampoos in the market have this metal as an ingredient. You need to make sure you do not use such shampoos. They lead to breakage of hair and dandruff. They weaken your hair and leave it dry. Make sure you buy shampoos that are free from the metal.

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