By Rae Patricio

The pain caused by a protruding herniated disc can be excruciating. It may be difficult to stand up, to walk and even to sit in a chair. It occurs when a portion of the intervertebral disc is damaged and protrudes between two vertebrae. It is not a condition you can learn to live with. For help in alleviating that significant hurt you can make an appointment to visit the chiropractic offices Manhattan NY maintains to assist those who are suffering.

The human spine has thirty three small, hollow bones called vertebrae. The delicate spinal cord runs through these bones from neck to lower back. There are seven cervical twelve thoracic and five lumbar. In between them, the an intervertebral disc prevents them from impacting each other. There are nine vertebrae that are fused.

Each disc has a hard, fibrous exterior with a gel-like substance inside that shell. Countless types of accidents can cause one or more of these discs to be herniated. This might force a vertebra to impact a nerve root located there. The pain can be significant depending on the amount of pressure exerted against a nerve root.

Your first appointment will be used to discuss the pain including what you think caused it. You will undergo reflex and range of motion testing and a spinal exam. Often an x-ray is used as well.

When the evaluation is over, a care plan will be set up. You will have a schedule of office visits to have your spine adjusted. This is a gentle procedure intended to alleviate the pressure against nerve roots that is causing so much pain. Massage, a special diet and exercises may be included in the plan.

Another person might have a similar condition. However, your care may differ from his. It is not only the injury or disease that determines what care is required. It is somewhat dependent on your health being good or bad, except for the injury. Age is also a contributing factor. Professional advice may include how to avoid exacerbating the herniated disc injury you now suffer from.

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