By Iligan Airsoft

No one wants to experience pain in any part of the body. However, when it occurs in the lower back, the lumbar region, it can be difficult to walk. It may hurt when the individual sits in a chair and even when laying down in bed. To find the best way to alleviate the hurting consult a prominent Crofton chiropractor.

People who want to find a non-invasive and medication free way to deal with the disorder can do so by turning to chiropractic care. Manual adjustments are known to be an effective way to relieve the symptoms. If the cause cannot be identified, it is called non-specific chronic lumbar pain.

The small hollow bones of the spine are called vertebrae. The spinal cord where all the nerves come from runs through these bones. Each two are separated by discs filled with a soft gel-like substance. This keeps them from rubbing against each other as the individual moves around.

When the vertebrae are out of place, the nerves can be compressed. Each disc has a firm outer layer and is filled with a semi-liquid substance. A part of the disc can be herniated. That is when pressure against the spinal nerves causes pain.

An evaluation done during the first appointment will explore the condition of the back. The client will have to describe the pain, whether it is continuous, and if it feels sharp or dull. It is important to report an injury that may have caused it. It is also important to note how long the back has been hurting.

Other testing will be done to assess range of motion, for example can the individual bend forward or lean sideways. An x-ray may be taken and additional testing done. After a thorough assessment, the optimal care plan for lower back pain will be recommended.

Spinal adjustments are frequently used to alleviate low back pain. An adjunctive method of care is alternating applications of heat and ice. Ice packs numb the back for fifteen minutes, followed by a heating pad, which restores the blood flow. This promotes healing and does so without the individual taking any pain medication.

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