By James John

Common causes of neck pain are whiplash as a result of an automobile accident, arthritis and a stiff neck, which might be the result of sleeping in an awkward position. Regardless of the cause of the pain, there is a San Antonio chiropractor who can help patients alleviate pain. This can be achieved naturally and without the use of addictive medication.

Drivers and passengers in a car collision often sustain whiplash injuries. They may walk away thinking that everything is fine, but the next day they realize the nagging pain in the neck is not going away. Chiropractic adjustments are usually very effective at realigning the spine and thus relieving the cause of the pain.

Other modalities such as laser therapy, spinal decompression and massage therapy can also be helpful. After a full physical examination, your chiropractor will determine the course of your chiropractic care. Some chiropractic clinics have massage therapists on staff to care for their patients. Chiropractors take specific training in laser therapy, which is natural, effective and does not induce further pain.

A fundamental cornerstone of chiropractic care is to take a holistic approach to pain. What a patient eats, their posture, genetics and their lifestyle can all be contributing factors. The doctor considers the physical location of pain, but beyond that he looks at each patient as a holistic body with numerous moving parts.

Often people do not realize how daily habits can adversely impact their bodies. If a job involves sitting in one place the entire day, the work station and surrounding areas should be ergonomically correct to that individual. Regardless of what brings a patient to the chiropractor in the first place, correcting bad habits can prevent future injury.

Chiropractic relief is available for the asking. Enduring pain is not really helpful, in fact it can make the situation worse. If you are one of millions of people who suffer from neck pain, the sooner you contact a chiropractor, the sooner you will find relief.

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