By Stella Matthews

A yeast known as Candida Albicans is responsible for a condition known as thrush. Although this yeast is normally present in the body, when it grows too rapidly an imbalance occurs and a woman can experience very unpleasant symptoms, such as heavy vaginal discharge, inflammation and itching. There are several essential oils for thrush which are thought to be effective when reducing the number of candida albicans in the body. These oils include lavender, tea tree and yoghurt amongst others.

In addition to oils, natural yoghurt can also be used and is often combined with various oils before application. Natural yoghurt should be applied to the vagina and is said to be very soothing and also helps to reduce the inflammation. You should ensure, however, that your hands are thoroughly clean before applying the yoghurt externally, in order to avoid the transference of germs.

Rosemary, lavender and tea tree can be used in combination to treat this condition when they are diluted with vinegar. A couple of drops of each oil should be added to a couple of drops of vinegar which should then be mixed with a cup full of distilled water. Using soaked cotton wool, douse the vagina with the mixture three to four times a day, until the symptoms start to diminish.

Marjoram and patchouli can also be used to treat this condition. Add two drops of each oil to half a cup full of warm water. Fill a douche with the mixture and swill the vagina two or three times a day. You should soon notice some improvement in the symptoms.

Renowned for its antiseptic and anti fungal properties, bergamot is also hailed as a treatment. Use warm distilled water and add up to three drops of bergamot. Again, use a douche and fill with the solution to irrigate the vagina. Repeat three to four times daily, until symptoms subside.

It is not uncommon for men to suffer from this condition, either. The penis should be cleansed regularly, about four times daily, in a solution of tea tree and patchouli oil. Mix four to five drops of patchouli and tea tree oil with a couple of cups of distilled, warm water and wash the penis thoroughly. Symptoms should diminish within a few days.

Many sufferers use essential oils for thrush and claim that they are highly effective in treating the condition. There are an abundance of natural products available which are safe to use on the sensitive genital area. Men experiencing the symptoms of this condition can use specially mixed washes to relive the symptoms.

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