By Caroline Thorne

This extremely uncomfortable condition affects women of all ages. It can be caused by poor hygiene but is more often a sign of a weak immune system and poor diet. Stress and antibiotic use can also contribute to the problem. For those who are concerned with over-all health, natural treatments for vaginal thrush can be as effective as over-the-counter or prescription medicines.

Holistic solutions to illnesses seek to address the cause of problems as well as the obvious symptoms. Medicine often suppresses symptoms without addressing the underlying condition that gives rise to them. In the case of yeast infections, symptoms include intense itching and burning as well as thick discharge. The cause, however, begins with an overgrowth of yeasts in the digestive tract, which occurs when beneficial bacteria which colonize the intestines are too few to keep things in balance.

Do not over-use antibiotics. They are necessary at times, but are always hard on beneficial bacteria that keeps your digestive tract healthy. In addition, it is important to keep the vaginal area dry and allow as much ventilation of the area as possible. It is recommended that underwear be 100% cotton, which 'breathes' and is absorbent, and that women sleep without underwear. Sometimes these two steps are all that is needed to break a cycle of repeated infections.

Once the intense itching and discharge of this condition has begun, yogurt applied topically will soothe the area and combat yeast overgrowth. A tampon dipped in plain yogurt gets friendly bacteria into the vagina.

When experiencing this problem, you can apply plain yogurt topically to soothe the itch and burn. To get beneficial bacteria into the vagina, dip a tampon in yogurt. A slightly acidic condition helps to keep yeasts in check, so white or apple cider vinegar is helpful when added to bathwater and used as a tampon dip. Baking soda is another home remedy; it makes the vagina too alkaline for yeast to thrive.

Herbals are known to be effective, especially garlic. It is good to add this herb to your diet, for immune system strengthening, and to use it as a vaginal suppository. A peeled clove can be inserted in the vagina, either as is or wrapped in gauze with a string left dangling for easy removal.

Natural treatments for vaginal thrush include herbals or homeopathic remedies. There are many anti-fungal herbs besides garlic, such as pau d'arco and calendula. Many herbal teas also boost the immune system; drink several cups a day for a week or so. Homeopathic treatment may be a single remedy or a combination of several. These are available at natural food stores and online, and you can usually get information and guidance at both places.

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