By Walter Gray

The human form can be a complex matter. Each one is different and curing ailments may vary from one individual to another. Sometimes health care practitioners may not see this right away and prescribe treatments that bring side effects first. If there are no immediate results, their solution is normally to give a higher dose. When choosing an energy medicine specialist, the problem area is worked on and not masked in medicine.

Alternative medicine may seem new to some but its roots goes back centuries to eastern continents like China. It also goes by many names like therapeutic medicine, esoteric healing and contact healing. Not only have these been proven to relieve pain and chronic ailments but emotional matters. Studies have even shown it to be successful with animals and some surgical procedures.

Often people underestimate the importance of having a strong immune system. Priority is usually given to making money, followed by taking care of short and long term obligations. However, this can be a challenge for those who are busy and get exposed to airborne ailments. When people who work under these circumstances become tired, they may think that all they need is more sleep.

Sometimes feelings of tiredness tend to be linked to matters of the heart or mind. For some, anxiety may become so crippling that it prevents productivity and affects normal sleeping patterns. A person may not be able to get decent rest or oversleep. Prescribed pain medication may only provide a temporary relief but is not intended as a permanent fix.

Energy therapy can help one transition from prescription medication. This entails various techniques and practices that are customized by a specialist. Some methods, like energy psychology, are similar to acupuncture but do not use needles. Specialists are trained to stimulate pressure points in the body that are identified as an area that is out of balance.

The art of therapeutic touch goes by several names, like Qigong or Reiki. Some techniques are not limited to licensed health care professionals but those who work in self help or social work have used this with clients who may experience emotional problems. Though energy psychology may be used for mental or emotional issues, it can also be used to relieve pain as part of a treatment plan.

The art of stimulating the senses, or points in the body, can be used to heal or restore energy that is lost when the body begins to break down. This can be attributed to poor diet, lack of exercise or even the positioning during work hours. Often equipment and furnishings are not aligned for every body type or the repetitive motion. While some businesses may use ergonomics for better productivity, this may not be enough when it comes to preventing parts of the body from shutting down. An energy specialist or alternative medicine practitioner can give a fair analysis for each individual case.

Going with alternative medicine, either as a primary or complementary treatment, is becoming more common. Chances of becoming addicted are slim and there are even procedures that can be done at home or on the job. Recent studies show strong data in regard to its effectiveness and patient satisfaction.

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