Many folks suffer with the ophthalmology condition called dry eye. This is a condition that causes folks to have difficulty at work, driving, watching TV, reading, and using a computer. There are a number of remedies that can be purchased over the counter. These remedies are artificial tears that have preservatives that can further irritate the eyes. As an alternative, Palatine acupuncture offers relief from the condition.

In order to be eligible for the therapy the patient must be between nineteen and sixty five years old. The therapy is offered to female and male sufferers. It is required that the individual have dry eye in at least one eye.

There are other criteria that the patient has to meet. The criteria include itchy burning eyes, blurred vision, and eyes that are dry and painful. Also, the person must be experiencing the feeling that something is in the eye, the feeling that the eye is tearing, and redness.

An individual will be excluded from this therapy under certain condition. A person can be excluded if he or she has an eyelash or eyelid defect, an eyelid or eye infection, wears contact lenses, is pregnant, or has a vitamin A deficiency. Additionally, people who have undergone surgery on the eye within the past 3 months are excluded.

One of the oldest healing practices in the world is acupuncture. Its focus is on restoring and preserving health with the stimulation of exact points on a persons body. The practice has been around for years as a method of alleviating many illnesses that include headaches and back pain.

If you are among those who suffer with the discomfort and frustration of dry eye syndrome you may want to consult with your local health center. In Palatine acupuncture is becoming the preferred therapy of folks with dry eyes. If you have tried the over-the-counter and prescription drops with no result, it may be time to consider this alternative.

About the Author:  By April Madrid