When back ache strikes, it can bring your everyday activities to a screeching halt. But for a person who doesn't like the idea of using traditional ache medications to treat back ailments, a chiropractic doctor is a viable option.

Chiropractors are trained to treat conditions that are caused by misalignment of the spine, as well as other conditions that affect the central nervous system. Some of the most common conditions treated by a chiropractor include: fibromyalgia, poor postural alignment, strains and sprains, degenerative disc disease, herniated discs, osteoarthritis and sciatica.

A chiropractic doctor is required to do 2 to 4 years of undergraduate studies, and then spend a specified amount of time at a licensed chiropractic college. Before a chiropractic doctor can treat patients legally, he must pass a national and state examination. To find out if your chiropractic doctor is licensed to operate in your area, contact the local Board of Chiropractic Examiners.

Chiropractors use a number of drug-free methods to treat back pain in their patients. These methods often include massage, hydrotherapy, spine decompression therapy, and manual spinal realignment. Massage relieves pain in the back by releasing endorphins and easing muscle spasms. Spinal decompression therapy is used to treat conditions such as degenerative disc disease and herniated discs. Decompression therapy uses vacuum pressure to relieve pressure and restore fluids and nutrients to the discs. Hydrotherapy is commonly used by chiropractors to relieve pain in the back. This type of therapy can include sitting in a pool of warm water, or using ice packs on the affected area. Ultrasound is commonly equated with pregnancy, but this machine can be used by chiropractors to treat back pain. This method uses ultrasound waves to warm the tissue, and reduce swelling in the back.

Spinal realignment requires a chiropractor to use a specialized technique to readjust the spine and improve alignment. Modern equipment makes it possible to adjust the spine painlessly and without any "back popping." If natural treatment methods are not an enough to manage back pain and drugs are needed, a chiropractor can point you in the direction of a doctor who can help.

A quality chiropractic doctor not only treats conditions of the spine, they offer education to help patients keep these problems from reoccurring in the future. Regular exercise, good posture, weight loss, and proper sleep habits are some of the recommendations chiropractic doctors will make to patients to help keep back ache at bay. A chiropractic doctor is trained to carry out his job duties effectively by offering a wide range of drug-free treatment options to manage conditions of the spine and central nervous system.

About the Author:  
By Michael Pritsker, DC