By Clea Spahn

Cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures in the country are still mostly sought after by women, but nowadays there are more and more men that are choosing to have these procedures done. Non-surgical techniques of improving one's appearance are becoming more widely accepted, and men have become more open about having them.

Most men want a fast recovery time, and for the procedure to be unnoticed by their friends, family and coworkers, they want the process to fit into their life with ease. It has become evident that men have been looking closer at their skin and noticing imperfections, they are interested in looking their best, as well as watching for signs of skin cancer. It's also easier to see that the more sun exposed are also the most aged and this is no surprise given the deleterious effect of UV light on the skin's elastic network.

Future sun damage can be reduced, and damage from the past can be repaired as much as possible. It is pretty quick to apply, a little at night before bed, and an application following the morning shave.

For men, one of the more popular types of procedures is rhinoplasty. This may be due to the self-consciousness about a big nose, of an odd shape or a crooked nose. Rhinoplasty is generally performed as a day patient under a general anaesthetic and return to work is possible after a week but some bruising may persist for as long as two weeks.

Facial rejuvenation procedures such as face and neck lift and blepharoplasty can be done with very inconspicuous scars and this also appeals to men. Men do not wish to look like a lot of work has been done. In many cases, a man would mind having some wrinkles less than having obvious signs of having undergone a cosmetic procedure.

Fat is targeted in men using exercise and proper diet regimes, but even so, there are still some areas that have fat remaining. The abdomen is where most men have excess fat, or in the flank area. Shaping of these regions with liposuction can be done as a day patient and return to work the next day is usually possible which can suit the busy male lifestyle.

Those men who are particularly interested in having a muscular look to their bodies seem to be prone to look at hair removal as an option. The more powerful lasers are much more effective at significantly reducing hair numbers. Preceding the series of procedures to target the troublesome areas of the body, it is recommended that tanning is not done.

Men have these procedures done because of their own concerns, and they are not the same as what motivates women. In the world of business, competitiveness is big, and how someone looks is part of it. Finding a cosmetic surgeon that is experienced in procedures for men is a good idea, as it seems that many men today want to appear as they did in their youth.

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