By Russ Hollywood

Learning how to tone your arms can be a scary prospect for any woman going to the gym. Not only do they have to conquer their fear that lifting weights might make them big and bulky, they also have to deal with people advising them on which supplements to take in order to speed up results.

You're about to have both questions answered in full.

The muscle which often proves to be the most difficult area to tone for females is the triceps. It sits on the back of the arm, behind the biceps, and it tends to be a key area for fat storage. This can result in a condition many girls refer to as 'jelly arm' and is not something which most women want to see.

The process of eliminating that unwanted body fat and improving the tone of the triceps muscle is actually really straightforward. However, you do need to pay attention to one hugely important factor before you begin.

Your arm workout needs to be balanced. If you were a builder who loved bricks, you wouldn't neglect to use cement just because you loved bricks, right? So it makes absolutely no sense why most women purely want to train the muscle on the back of their arm and ignore those which surround it. It leaves them with very uneven, unbalanced arms.

There are almost unlimited choices when it comes to exercises for each area of the upper body. A good place to start is the basic movements. Combine front raise, biceps curl, reverse flye, push-ups and triceps extensions into one workout. This not only blasts the back of your arm, it also hits the front and back of the shoulders as well as the biceps. [
Watch the workout showing how to tone your arms next.

If you want to really up the ante, try moving through it as one big circuit as opposed to individual exercises. Transition between movements while keeping your equipment in your hands at all times. This will place extra stress on the forearms while also making things more challenging.

Getting a good foothold in the world of free weight training is often enough to improve existing results. However, if you're tempted to use meal replacement shakes and fat burners but aren't sure what to look for, then keep reading.

When it comes to supplementing your diet the key role is to keep things simple. Your main sources of energy need to come from unprocessed foods, not from tubs of powder. Despite the hype which surrounds a lot of fat burning or muscle building products there is no product on the market which can beat unprocessed healthy food for quality nutrition.

Whey protein, creatine monohydrate and glutamine are three of the oldest products on the market, yet they remain the best choices when it comes to lean muscle gains and fat loss.

By sticking to the proven basic formulas you remove doubt. You know each product is effective because it has years of scientific studies to prove it, and learning which supplements to take can become a very contradicting, experimental process if you dabble in products which don't have scientific backing. If you want to learn how to tone your arms quickly,safely and effectively then the best bet is to keep things very straightforward.

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