By Dennis E. Price

Models on the TV or in films all appear to have healthy , glossy, hair. You can also have nice , shiny hair by following a few simple tips. Even if your hair appears to be damaged and beyond repair. You can make positive changes by stopping any bad habits you have picked up over the years with the help of techniques and hair products. You will be able to turn everything around.

When it comes to hair we all think we are alone when it comes to our problems. We believe that we are the only ones suffering from this ailment and can not be cured or regain our groining glory. Did you know that some interesting facts came to light after a good number of saloon owners had been interviewed and they all came up with the same belief that the major y of problems where caused by women themselves. This may be a strange fact that we do most of the damage to our hair ourselves by using the wrong products or by using hair-dryers at the wrong setting. Dry ends or at worst split ends or even out of control frizzy hair this can all be rectified in time.

Now is the time to take action. There are a number of different pieces of advise below to guide you through the process in your quest for healthy hair. You will not only change the way your hair is now but hopefully by repeating the process , your hair will be glowing overcoming the problems.

Have you considered vitamins? This is a natures way of keeping your body fit and healthy which you can find in a number of fruit and vegetables as well as tablet form. Sometimes people are not great at taking the fruit and veg with their dinner for any number of reasons so taking the vitamins in tablet form will be beneficial for you.

The various vitamins are known as A, B, C , D and E. A is known for promoting a healthy body and can be found in vegetable which are green or orange in colour such as sweet potatoes and pumpkins come October or mangos and peaches if you prefer fruit.

There are a lot of different types of B vitamin which all have their own way of helping our immune system such as red blood cells and promoting a healthy heart. There are a number of different types of foods such as eggs and cheese which will help your body.

C Vitamin is one of those which everyone as heard of and knows. A great source is normally broccoli and spinach which are great for helping bones and blood vessels.

The next vitamin C helps with healing of the wounds and aids in bone building by absorbing the iron from the various types of fruits such as spinach, fish , poultry and peanuts.

E Vitamins helps keep the cells red and also prevents any damage to them. A fab source of this would be avocados or grains.

Remember and stick to the daily allowance of each vitamin and other sources of nutrients as too much can be as harmful as too little.

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