By Lance Aldinger

Suffering from back pain, especially in the lumbar region, is relatively common in Memphis and across the rest of the nation. Over seven million people turn to chiropractic care for alleviation of that pain. Although all these afflictions are classified under the broad category of back pain, a Memphis chiropractor sees those who have lower back injuries most often.

Automobile accidents cause this type of pain, along with muscle strain resulting from other injuries. The most common, however, is sports related accidents. The professional athletes have their injuries reported in the news. However, it is the person who plays infrequently who is most at risk. Due to the lack of conditioning, he or she is more easily hurt.

The spine is a complicated structure. It consists of 41 spinal bones, nine of which are fused, or joined together. The five vertebrae in the lumbar region are not. They can be misaligned by an injury and exert pressure on the nerves causing excruciating pain.

The common term for this is a pinched nerve. Your chiropractor would call it a subluxation, which means the vertebra is out of place causing you to experience disabling pain. A series of gentle adjustments will often be the remedy, moving the bone back into the correct position.

The first step is to evaluate the condition of the back. Questions about when the injury occurred and exactly where you hurt are very important. The physical examination of your spine is next. In some cases, an x-ray is needed to locate the source of the hurt.

When an evaluation is complete, a series of appointments can be scheduled for adjusting the misaligned vertebra. The goal is to relieve pressure on the nerve. Some individuals report to their Memphis chiropractor, a reduction in pain after two or three sessions. Of course, each person responds at his or her own rate. The alleviation of pain allows a return to work and the normal activities of daily living.

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