By James Spann

Lobby groups in support of legalizing marijuana have confronted authorities and policy makers with the incredible benefits such an move would have on the society. Their argument is that the drug should be removed from the criminal justice system and proper regulations be put in place. The idea is to have a policy and legal framework like the one that regulates sale and consumption of alcohol.

The benefits of legal cannabis are health, medical and economic. Citizens will be encouraged to grow the plant as a cash crop and in return reap huge rewards. The government will get a new avenue for tax collection. It becomes a lucrative employer which solves other social problems directly or indirectly. Changing the view from a criminalized plant to a legal one brings all activities associated with cannabis on the table. They cease to become the destructive underground operations that have characterized its growth, sale and distribution over the years. It enters into the tax bracket for governments.

The resources used to fight drugs would be diverted to other more productive areas. This includes fighting crime and enhancing law and order in public places. Courts would also be free to deal with legitimate issues other than follow farmers trying to meet a genuine living. Freedom to grow the plant leads to creativity as farmers can identify new uses to enhance existing products in order to widen consumption bracket.

Reputable researchers have been compiling the medical reasons for using marijuana. Their lists are based on extensive research and testing with the aim of establishing reasonable quantities, frequency and side effects. A breakthrough has been recorded with reduced suicide rates in states being studied. This is attributed to reduction in stress which takes the mind away from suicidal thoughts.

Depression ranks high among the health reasons for using marijuana. It helps to prevent depression by pushing back the onset of panic attacks and anxiety. This gives a person the psychological strength to handle difficult situations. Other conditions that can be managed using cannabis include suicidal ideation, schizophrenia and psychosis. There is a personality element in mental health which has lead to different reactions to the same medication.

Those toying with the question should marijuana be legalized have found the backing of renowned health and economic researchers in world class universities. The use and access to cannabis are at the center of legalization debate. They suggest that any user interested in cannabis should possess an active prescription from a certified medical practitioner. For an effective social environment to support use, other social amenities like health care must be provided. Laboratories continue to test the right dosages for different situations.

Legalizing marijuana poses the danger of misuse for recreation purposes. The dangers of misuse include addiction whose effects range from social disorder to reduced productivity. Men and women have since returned a different verdict on the use with a discrepancy in reaction. Researchers have tried to compare the effects of cannabis and alcohol and are in favor of the plant.

Decriminalized cannabis has far reaching psychological effects on the users. It gets rid of the guilt feeling which makes users to easily follow prescriptions that will be given by qualified medical experts. The area and time of use will be restricted. This will keep it away from use for recreation purposes and end the underground business that has caused more health harm than good. It is easier to monitor the health of users since their intake is controlled.

The use of marijuana in pain relief has caused a stir in the industry. This has made authorities more receptive to the push for legalization. This will create an entry point for policy makers and regulators to develop friendly policies that will lead to beneficial growth of the industry. It can be used on foods and drinks instead of the conventional smoking option which is linked to harmful health side effects. Legalization prevents abuse and hands control of the industry to government organs instead of criminals and cartels.

Lobbyists have fronted stress reduction as the single most important benefit of cannabis use. A society that is free of stress increases productivity and reduces crimes. Stress is associated with low immunity and therefore cannabis would indirectly reduce cases of illnesses.

Legalizing marijuana is a debate that is spreading in different corners of the world. The entry of renowned universities and scholars is bound to add impetus to the push. Fronting of health and economic benefits adds legitimacy to the debate making it worthwhile.

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