By Griselda Zerna Albao

Much of the pain that people suffer stems from soft body tissues, such as muscles, tendons and ligaments. Fascia and nerves are also soft tissues that can produce significant pain. Frequently the cause of injury to soft tissues is overuse. In other instances, such as sciatica, there is compression of the sciatic nerve which is often the result of a herniated disc. In Long Island Active Release Technique, also referred to as ART, is being used by chiropractors to relieve the symptoms of sciatica.

A doctor of chiropractic, P. Michael Leahy, DC, noticed symptoms of pain were often caused by changes in the soft body tissues. He came upon this realization while examining patients with his hands for regular chiropractic care. His hands could actually feel the tension and tightness in the soft tissue as he cared for his patients. He developed over five hundred very specific massaging movements that allowed him to locate and correct the source of pain.

Eventually, he patented the series of movements as ART, Active Release Technique. So that more patients can experience needed relief from this type of tissue damage, Dr. Leahy developed a series of courses to teach the technique to other chiropractors. After taking the training, students are tested and only certified when they are able to pass all the courses.

The human body is a complex network of systems that include vascular, skeletal and soft tissues. Even a small tear in a muscle can become problematic. The tear creates a gap that the body naturally fills with scar tissue. That scar tissue can spread to other tissues that are in close proximity to the initial injury. If these issues exist close to the sciatic nerve, they can result in compression of the nerve which causes pain.

Your Long Island chiropractor, who is also a certified ART therapist, will find the affected area through manual examination. As a patient, you can help guide the doctor by telling him the exact spot or spots where you feel pain. With active manipulations, that are ART patented protocols, the affected area will be massaged.

Chiropractic care combined with ART has been used to effectively provide desired relief for many patients who were suffering from this type of tissue injury or damage. There is no need to endure pain from sciatica any longer. See your ART trained chiropractor to get the relief you deserve.

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