By Dorthy Swanson

A joint is any part of the body where a number of bones are connected together, like the hip, ankle or shoulder. Joint pain is a common health complaint among adults and tends to be more prevalent among the elderly. Such patients usually complain of sore or aching joints with varying degrees of severity. At times, the condition could get critical to the point of significantly inhibiting one's movements.

One of the most common joint pain symptoms is a sore sensation around the areas following a period of inactivity or after getting out of bed in the morning. The inflammation could then subside on its own after some time. This often occurs due to loss of strength in muscles attached to the specific joint to facilitate movement. If this is accompanied by a reduced range of motion, then it could indicate the presence of arthritis.

Most cases are also characterized by stiffness after mild physical activity like walking. This could be due to weak ligaments or muscles, or reduced elasticity in the cartilages. Such symptoms often point towards a more serious underlying disorder which amplifies the inflammation with time.

If one has a disorder that affects the synovial fluid or tissue linings, red patches could appear on skin around the affected area. This is known to happen due to gout arthritis, and is usually a result of the body regarding certain local elements to be threats, thus triggering an attack by the immune system. If one notices such patches devoid of any pain, then inflammation could occur in future. This is especially so if there are peculiar growths in the said region.

One of the causes of this condition is an illness known as Osteochondritis Dissecans, which is known to cause loss of blood in bone and surrounding cartilage. It is commonly associated with knees and elbows, although it could also affect any of the body's joints. Sickle cell anemia, a blood disorder that reduces the quantity of red blood cells, also causes aches as tissue damage happens due to reduced blood supply.

A sprained ligament could cause the respective joint(s) to be inflamed. This is because the injury impairs the mobility of the said area. Similarly, an injured tendon could also cause aching.

The Lakota Herbal Joint Care Formula would provide an effective joint pain relief solution for anyone suffering from this condition. The supplement combines various natural ingredients known to heal problematic joints. It also works well to eliminate swelling and any other accompanying symptoms.

In addition to relieving inflammation, this product also promotes the production of synovial fluid to protect against damage caused by friction. Other benefits include repairing the affected tissues and cartilages. Due to its natural formulation, it is safe for use by patients known to have issues with conventional painkillers.

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