By Elinor Hain

Folks who have whiplash, poor posture, even poor sleep positions, can be causing pain in their necks. These things can cause the vertebrae in the neck to move out of alignment causing strained muscles and resulting in the skull being misaligned. Because the adult head is about eleven pounds, it may cause balance issues if it is not centered. With help from an upper cervical chiropractor Charlotte folks are finding relief from their pain.

These professionals are able to identify and remedy the cause of pain and return balance to the neck and head. Atlas Orthogonal is and excellent technique use to restore balance. The practitioner repositions the skull at the neck using accurate adjustments that are based on imaging.

This technique is more precise than traditional adjustments and helps ensure the entire spine is aligned correctly. This can not just reduce neck and upper back pain. The technique can reduce the frequency and severity of headaches, especially headaches with no obvious cause.

The trained professional is also able to adjust the spinal column to restore proper alignment. This type of adjustment can resolve neck, back, and joint discomfort. These methods are effective in relieving pain and encourage healing without the use of drugs or invasive surgeries. The practitioner can often help patients delay or avoid surgery altogether.

The techniques are proven to be safe - although you should always choose a fully trained and licensed chiropractor. Both pain and the drugs used to help it can get in the way of living a full life, so reducing dependence on medication is important.

When the spine is properly aligned the balance in the body can be restored. Folks who have chronic pain in their head or neck may want to think about talking to a chiropractic professional. The practitioner will determine the right therapy for resolving the issue and restoring proper function that will improve your life.

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