By Christian Bordner

Lower back pain is a commonplace condition that, for the most part, gets better with self-care (application of heat, using pain relief medications, and remaining active). However, low-back pain can sometimes be difficult to alleviate. A Midlothian VA chiropractor is highly trained in using spinal manipulation in order to improve your physical function (your ability to move and walk) and relieve your lower back pain.

How does a Midlothian VA chiropractor alleviate pain?

Your first visit will probably consist of a complete medical review and an initial assessment of your range of mobility. The practitioner might even test the mobility utilizing a series of small thrusting movements to help with realignment.

There is substantial literature support that spinal and manual manipulation by a chiropractor relieves pain. Short lever high velocity arm thrusts applied to vertebrae can reduce nerve irritability, restore back range of motion, and improve functionality.

In addition to manipulating the spine, your practitioner may also include a combination of massage, exercise, and physical therapy as regular parts of your in-office sessions. He or she may also recommend you do some of the activities between visits.

This type of spinal adjustment is considered safe when it is overseen by a licensed and experienced professional. You may have some initial discomfort, but it should only last a day or two.

People who have used opioid drugs for pain relief for a long period of time may still benefit from spinal manipulation and other non-drug therapies. Although most patients will not become completely pain free, a great majority will experience improved function as well as pain reduction.

Lower back pain affects eight out of ten people at some time during their lives. For a majority of people, this pain resolves itself within several days or weeks. For some people, though, back pain becomes chronic and can last for months or even years. For those people, a Midlothian VA chiropractor can offer real and significant relief from pain.

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