By Leonor Rivera

Spiritual alchemy is about transformation of a person's higher self. It is an important part of the Hermetic tradition. The practitioners were the first scientists because it was their intellectual curiosity that motivated them to understand how the universe works. Western mystical esoteric practices like astrology, herbalism, and ritual magic were primitive forms of astronomy, biology and physics.

The beginnings of what we now consider scientific experiments, research, and theory were in these various mystical and sometimes occult practices. As mankind's knowledge and understanding of the universe grew, practitioners eventually branched off from the irrational mystical traditions. Science became more specialized as seekers specialized in specific disciplines. The general philosopher became a chemist or biologist or physicist.

As the world of science grew more powerful, there became a certain attraction to the irrational world of the esoteric. This is a world where reason is suspended for the understanding of a different type of truth. Many people reject anything that is based on magic instead of reason and logic. But there are some people who find a different type of truth that may seem irrational. The realm of the spiritual does not depend on reason for its truth.

Those who have lost a loved one or suffered some other personal lost may be hurting inside for a long time. Reading a horoscope or having one's palm read may bring some solace. It is those who are hurting emotionally who are most opened to trying new techniques to bring the spirit back to good health.

Development of the higher aspects of our being is the objective of the Hermetic esoteric mystical tradition. Practitioners seek unity with the divine. Magical rituals, fasting and self-mutilation are used to invoke the transmutation of the soul.

Industrious people took the accumulated learning that scientific inquiry gave them to start the industrial revolution. They applied their knowledge to practical purposes. The original purpose to become a more divine being was no longer the case. Now the purpose was to increase the material well being of the human race. But mankind still had a need for a divine presence in their lives.

Now we live in a world where man does not have to struggle to simply survive. Our advanced technology takes care of all the practical chores we used to have to do to simply survive. We do not have to go out hunt our food or sew our clothes by hand. Instead, we go to restaurants and buy our clothes at the shopping mall.

The purpose of spiritual alchemy is to reach a state of higher consciousness. It uses symbols and rituals with ancient origins. Its many practices are based upon the ancient esoteric schools of mysticism.

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