By Allyson Burke

In order to promote deep relaxation and lower stress levels, some people pursue an ancient Eastern therapy called Reiki. The latter is thought to bring balance and healing to the spirit, soul, and body. To gain a thorough understanding about Reiki services in San Diego and how healing hand positions are used, a basic foundation of knowledge concerning chakras, also called life energy forces, is required. The phrase is Sanskrit in origin and is pronounced chock-ruh or shock-ruh. It means "wheel" in ancient Indian dialect. Individuals who claim to have the ability to visualize chakras state that the latter appear as colored wheels of light that spin and move at speeds dictated by the client's individual energy levels.

Six chakras influence the body systems of circulation, breathing, digestion, sensory perception, secretion and reproduction. In addition, the whole being and the brain share one chakra, for a total of 7 primary chakras. Corresponding to every organ in the body, chakras are located at the bottom of the pelvis, the solar plexus, throat, navel, heart, forehead, and top of the head.

Chakras play a vital role in most traditional healing arts, which include Reiki. If a deficiency occurs, it is thought to indicate that an illness is present in the part of the body with which that specific chakra is associated. To help clients reach an ideal state of health, Reiki seeks to balance these chakras, by opening and clearing them, and subsequently promoting healing and well-being.

The root chakra is at the base of the pelvis, and affects the kidneys, spinal column, large intestines, adrenaline glands, and legs. This is the chakra that keeps people grounded to their physical world, and promotes a healthy desire for food, shelter, and life in general when balanced. When imbalanced, a person may feel selfish, paranoid, victimized, or even violent.

The naval chakra, also referred to as the sacral chakra, influences the bladder, spleen, testicles, ovaries, and reproductive system. If it is balanced, it promotes healthy emotions and sexuality, and increases a person's natural creativity. If it is not balanced, reproductive disorders may develop, or the person may become addicted to food or sex, or feel confused or jealous.

The solar plexus chakra, also called the seat of power, influences the intellect. When balanced, it can bring one's hopes and dreams to reality. It also relates to the liver, stomach, gall bladder and pancreas.

At the center of one's emotions, the heart chakra links the physical to the spiritual. It controls the heart, arms, skin, thymus gland, lower lungs, and circulatory system. The throat chakra controls the throat, vocal chords, thyroid gland, jaw, and upper lungs. This chakra affects a person's creativity and ability to communicate.

Connected to the pituitary gland and central nervous system, the third eye chakra influences the brain, eyes, face, nose, and almost all the organs in the head. When balanced, this chakra opens intuition, visualization, and promotes visions beyond ordinary sight.

The crown chakra is associated with the endocrine system and the pineal gland, and plays a vital role in everyday health. When balanced, it helps one to connect with wisdom on a spiritual level, resulting in true inner peace. Inferiority, loneliness, and fear of death are all feelings produced by blockages in this chakra. Ultimately, anyone who feels Reiki services in San Diego may be beneficial should schedule an appointment with a holistic practitioner.

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