By Loraine Roane

When an automobile accident occurs there is a likelihood that the driver or passengers may be injured. Not all injuries become apparent immediately after a crash. As a prominent Lakeland FL Chiropractor explains, a soft-tissue injury may not show symptoms until days or weeks following the incident.

Whiplash is one such injury. A rear-end collision causes your head to jerk rapidly forward and back with a result like that found in shaken-baby syndrome. It can be serious even if both cars are moving slowly. Severe to excruciating neck pain is the result.

You may suffer muscular strain, tearing of soft-tissue or ruptured ligaments. The cervical vertebrae, which are the small bones in the neck, are often jerked out of place. Headaches, soreness or limited movement of the head may result in temporary disability.

Help is available to alleviate your pain in a chiropractors office. A series of questions will be asked to begin the evaluation of your condition. Your spine will be examined and possibly an x-ray taken. Non-invasive testing such as range-of-motion and reflexes will be done to complete the assessment.

Then a care plan can be devised. Often the optimal form of care is a series of manual adjustments to the neck. This can alleviate the pain caused by soft-tissue damage or misaligned cervical vertebrae.

If one of these small bones is out of place it might be impacting one of the nerve roots located there. The pain may prevent you from going to work or enjoying your life. Spinal adjustments serve to move the vertebra back into place. This relieves the pressure and that alleviates the pain.

In addition, massage can be used to ease the sore shoulders that often accompany whiplash. A cervical collar, which stabilizes the head, is sometimes worn for a short time. The chiropractor may give you some mild rehabilitative exercises to do at home between appointments for the adjustments. Your goal of returning to work and other normal activity will certainly be an attainable one.

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