By Earnestine Clinger

Back pain can be constant whether you are sitting or standing. It may hurt in the daytime and disturb your sleep patterns at night. It may have been caused by a car accident or a fall at work. When you rely on a Woodstock Chiropractor a care plan will be customized to fit your needs.

The first appointment will be devoted to discussing how your pain affects your daily life. You will be asked relevant questions and undergo a physical exam of your spine. There may be range-of-motion testing and an x-ray as well.

When your evaluation is complete, your care can be planned. One possibility is a series of gentle manual adjustments. They ease the hurting, make stiff joints more flexible and promote extended range-of-motion.

The hollow spinal bones that encase and protect the delicate spinal cord are called vertebrae. Spinal adjustments can reposition them when they are moved out of place. They also ease soft tissue damage and relax tight muscles. Stiff joints are made more flexible.

When vertebrae are misaligned, the chiropractic term is subluxation. As a bone presses against a spinal nerve it causes sometimes excruciating pain. The manual adjustments gradually ease those vertebrae into the correct position, thus relieving that pressure.

As each office visit for adjustments works to correct the misalignment, you will be closer to achieving your goal of returning to work. When it has been reduced to a tolerable level you can also resume the recreational pursuits you once enjoyed. Each appointment will serve to bring your pain under control.

Massage may be added to the care plan and will loosen tight muscles. Exercises may be designed specifically for your symptoms. Adjustments, massage and exercises may all be used concurrently.

Request professional advice from your chiropractor about the safe way to lift heavy objects. Improving posture while standing or sitting will help maintain spinal health. When adjustments are continued at regular intervals, a healthy back and relaxed muscles can be maintained.

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