By Nelson Clodfelter

The human foot undergoes a great deal of stress on an average day. Besides walking approximately four to eight thousand steps or more, you may jog or dance. Luckily, there is a prominent Crofton chiropractor available to provide care to alleviate foot pain.

An appointment with this professional can help determine the cause of the pain. Then a type of care can be recommended. You may find relief when your feet are manually adjusted.

There are ways to protect them to avoid exacerbating the hurt. Something as simple as improving your posture may be the answer. If you are overweight the feet are supporting those extra pounds. It is difficult to stay on a weight-loss diet. However, it might be worth the effort if it reduces your pain.

Sometimes corrective shoes or shoe inserts can reduce the pressure. There may be exercises your chiropractor can teach you. The muscles in the lower leg may tense up and contribute to the hurting. This is especially likely when the Achilles tendon is involved.

Achilles tendonitis is the condition named after Achilles, the Greek hero who was invincible except for his heel. A large tendon connects the calf of the leg to the heel bone. When this tendon is irritated and inflamed each step you take is agonizing. Dancers, athletes and ladies who wear stilettos are prone to developing it. The elderly are also likely to suffer from foot pain.

Pain is a symptom of an underlying condition. Medicine can mask it for a time. There is, of course, the danger of forming an addiction if you take it for too long. Surgery is something no one wants to consider unless all other avenues are ineffective. This makes chiropractic care a popular alternative.

Each foot has twenty-six bones and they may be misaligned. This means they are moved out of the correct position. Manual adjustments are a tool the chiropractor uses to gradually return them to the right position. This provides a more permanent solution.

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