By James John

Models and body builders are not the only individuals who need to have good posture. Anyone can find poor posture detrimental to his or her life. Some may have good posture while standing and walking. The problem may lie in the posture in a seated position. As a leading Pasco County Chiropractor will attest, neck, back and shoulder pain can be attributed to poor posture.

The most important consideration is how you feel. When your back hurts, you do not usually blame it on posture. However, the perfectly aligned spinal column contributes to overall good health. Bad posture can result in a subluxation. That is the chiropractic term for a misalignment.

You may feel a sort of discomfort that is distracting without being painful. But, if it goes uncorrected, it will worsen and you will experience pain. Eventually, you may find you have chronic back pain.

In addition to that, it might cause fatigue, tension headaches and even something as serious as an interference with breathing. These unfortunate results are not impossible to reverse. A meeting with your chiropractor will lead to analysis of your posture and corrective action when it is needed.

Your examination starts with the entire spine being assessed. It will be palpated and an x-ray might be ordered. Your posture in all positions will be evaluated. Your way of sitting, standing up and walking will be observed. Finally, the optimal way to improve your condition will be recommended.

The term chiropractors use for a misaligned spine is subluxation. If this is your problem a series of spinal adjustments are suggested. Palliative massage is successful for easing the tension headache and sore shoulders. Both can be done during the same office visit.

Professional advice to practice good postural habits may be required. You will be taught to align your body correctly. Sometimes a combination of adjustments and advice are most helpful.

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