By Jennifer Turner

The world is now filled with endless entertainment in the form of television, computer games and the internet; this means kids can spend hours in front of a screen instead of being active. In many countries childhood obesity is now a big problem as kids take less exercise and eat more junk food. A super way to encourage a healthier lifestyle is to enroll in childrens dance classes Calgary has many on offer.

Once they can walk, even small children will copy their parents dancing or intuitively sway along to music from the CD player or radio. A catchy beat can be infectious and makes your feet tap along and your hips move in time to the rhythm. It is the most natural thing in the world to enjoy the feeling of movement and dancing is a great way to keep kit for all ages.

It might seem that three or four years old is too young for a child to learn tap or ballet, but from an early age, they can benefit from music and movement games. By introducing song and storytelling along with the movement it can also enhance their vocabulary and confidence. There are many studios which offer pre-tap or pre-ballet for youngsters which include many imaginative and exciting programs.

As the child progresses, they might develop a talent or preference for a particular style of dancing. Some enjoy the grace of ballet while other lean towards tap or more contemporary styles. Studios normally offer a full range of programs for kids from seven years which will then include modern styles like hip hop.

Every style of dancing has benefits to the health of your child. Apart from the obvious cardio workout, flexibility and stamina are improved. Fitness and strength from an early age are a great foundation for a healthy life in the future. The social interaction and expression of emotions through movement are also important factors in a child's development.

Balance and co-ordination play a key role in dancing and these too are improved as a child progresses. Young children can seem like they are clumsy or have trouble learning to balance on a bicycle, but through dancing they can learn better control and more awareness of the space around them. Ballet and tap each teach these skill sets as they require poise, grace and the ability to multi-task.

For those who want to study seriously, there are courses and exams in the major styles. The larger studios will offer these in house whereas small independent teachers might need to book exams through a third party. For the truly dedicated, the larger studios will also be able to help pupils who wish to make dancing their career by suggesting academies and colleges which specialize in performing arts.

However old your child is, there are plenty of courses all year round. Many places offer summer camps and term time tuition as well as pre-school classes. Popular courses get fully booked quickly so you made need to register well in advance to make sure of getting a place on the course you want. Fees for courses and tuition vary depending on the age of the child and type of class taken.

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