By Harriett Simington

The vertebrae of the back have spinal discs between them. These serve the purpose of absorbing the shock as we walk, run and move the back in other positions. Each disc is a thick ring filled with a soft, gelatinous nucleus. When moderate to unbearable back pain leads you to a Seattle Chiropractor, a thorough assessment will reveal whether you are suffering from a bulging or herniated disc.

The disc bulge is less serious and results from minimal tears in the outer ring of the disc. However, if you have a herniation it is of major concern. It may be extremely hurtful and can protrude to the extent of compressing a nerve. It is this pressure that results in serious pain.

An injury on the football field, an automobile accident or degenerative disc disease may result in herniation. The majority of these protrusions take place in your lower back. The cervical discs, those located in the neck, are susceptible also.

When a herniation is caused by degenerative disc disease, the body forms bone spurs after small tears develop in the nucleus, the soft inner portion of the disc. It can develop with age. In someone younger, it may be a hereditary problem.

Severe pain might occur in your buttocks, thigh, calf and sometimes as far down as the foot. That indicates that the lower back is the location of the herniation. Arm and shoulder pain indicates a cervical herniation, meaning it is located in your neck. The muscles may grow weak and you may drop things frequently.

An appointment with the chiropractor will include a physical exam, testing your range-of-motion and reflexes plus an x-ray. The joints are examined by putting pressure on them. Following your evaluation a plan will be arranged for care. This usually includes a series of gentle spinal adjustments, which have proved successful in reducing the pain for many clients.

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