By Ma Lillibeth Coper Incipido

Lower back pain is a very common complaint brought to the chiropractor. In fact, statistics claim there are over three million cases each year. One cause is stress or injury to a muscle. Another is a herniated disc. Those who turn to a Geneva chiropractor can be helped with pain alleviation regardless of the cause.

The only symptoms may be the pain. The lower back and one leg might hurt plus feel as if there is a tingling sensation. In most instances lumbar back problems respond quickly to chiropractic interventions.

A football player is likely to suffer this and any number of other injuries. His muscles are often overused. Whenever he collides with another player on the field, his lower back can be hurt. Lumbar back pain can be caused by an automobile crash even if seat belts are worn. Without wearing seat belts, they will be more severe.

When you are distracted by the hurt it might be impossible to hold down a job. If you work in construction it may be too hard to stretch and bend to perform the work. If you work in an office, it might be too hurtful to sit at a desk all day.

Additional causes of lumbar back pain include being overweight, lifting a heavy box incorrectly and degenerative disc disease. Regular pain is referred to as chronic. When your life is interrupted in this way, it is time to visit your chiropractor.

When you first meet the chiropractor, a full evaluation must be done. The spine is palpated and possibly you will need an x-ray. Your ability to bend forward and your strength are assessed. A record of your condition is kept. After the results, the appropriate care program can be put into motion.

Many such programs begin with spinal adjustments to the lumbar spine. These work to gradually correct any misalignment of the spinal bones. Lying on a table, short thrusts are applied to adjust the vertebrae that are not in the correct position. In some cases decompression is used. Your chiropractor will recommend the program that will be best for you.

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