By Griselda Zerna Albao

Everyone has a unique experience when an automobile accident occurs. An older individual might require different care than a twenty-year old. Of course, some injuries are more severe than others. Turning to Kent Chiropractic for care will involve evaluating your condition.

It may consist of spinal adjustments, muscle relaxation and a routine of mild exercises to use in the months following the accident. Most whiplash injuries in adults are caused by accidents such as colliding with another player on the football field or being in a car crash. Rear end collisions are noted for this type of injury.

Prior to any care being recommended an evaluation must be conducted. Range of motion your head is capable of is measured. The back is palpated and x-rays might be required. In many cases, manual adjustments are recommended as most likely to restore flexibility. Appointments will be arranged for them to be administered over time.

When a whiplash accident robs you of your flexibility, you may be unable to turn your head from one side to the other. Any attempt to do so will result in pain and possibly more damage. A cervical collar may be worn only for a brief time. Bed rest should not be continued for more than a day or two either. Movement is most beneficial.

When the chiropractors opinion is that manual adjustments are the appropriate care, a series of office visits will be scheduled for them to be applied. They may consist of short thrusts or slow mobilizing pressure to the neck and possibly the upper back. Gradually, the joints will relax and be coaxed back into the correct position.

An alternative is gentle finger pressure applied to the right spot. Another method consists of gentle stretches. These are an effective way to relax tightened muscles. Inactivity is not beneficial although it is often thought to be. Activity is helpful to promote your rehabilitation. A daily walk is not the optimal choice. However, it is definitely better than getting no exercise at all.

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