By Charles Allen

Children are fun to be with but can be a challenge to work with. This is normal, because there are many things that goes on inside the head of a child and their playfulness can get the best out of them. They need patience, understanding and plenty of attention. They never fail to surprise you everyday.

Some teachers are thought to have some type of magic touch because they seem to do it well than the rest. Especially when talking about preschool dance classes Calgary. Sometimes, it is just a matter of problem solving. A few strategies may do you some good.

Avoid expecting that you can teach them to dance. Actually, this means you cannot expect they can dance, the way you do. Or that they can do it, exactly how you want it done. Get the moves, but let them do it their way. Shy away from letting them be corrupted by trying to be someone else, other than themselves.

Do not be stuck with the ideology of letting a kid move like somebody else. Let them focus on the sheer delight of learning their bodies and being able to move it. Keep your expectations at a minimum. Around about eight years old, expectations may be possible. Around this time below that age, let freedom be their thing.

Try adding layers to movements. When they are trying to learn the basics from you, repetition is key. Make it interesting enough to keep their attention. Use imagery to its advantage, by playing pretend so they can better understand it. This will make the instructions easier for them to follow. They will think that you are taking them seriously, and they will feel more important.

Children respond well to feedback, especially positive. Try to be specific and let them know when they are doing something right. Someone you see that is doing something right will make the rest of a misbehaving class follow. Limit your negative feedback. Do not call the attention of a child repeatedly because this will have also have a negative impact to the way they will eventually perform.

Make yourself the most interesting part of the room. Keep your energy level high for them by lighting up the room with you leading it. Let the tone of your voice vary and maintain your energy for them. Otherwise, they will be inattentive because kids have usually a short attention span. Do not be scared to be goofy for them.

Avoid trying to be their friend. Do not overdo it by being overly nice more than necessary. When you do, the children gets the wrong idea and they will have a tendency to undermine authority. Throughout the day, you may end up with no one listening to anything you say and that can be very frustrating.

Teaching is not easy. Especially when it involves children, The challenge is even bigger when it is dancing you are trying to teach them. However, this pays to some extent of amazing results eventually, when you see them doing it on their own. It can be rewarding, no matter the level of performance. After all, children, lost in their own world of innocence, dancing or not, are always a sight to behold.

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