Relaxation massage is often more underestimated than it should be. It has been shown that 90 percent of illness and deaths are brought on by stress. It is a wonder that so few people comparatively speaking on a worldwide scale do not make use of this form of preventative therapy.

Excuses or justifications for not having stress relieving treatments do range from religious reasons, time and money factors. By taking a position of not exploring the possibility of how treatments can benefit one in the long run can be likened to not going to another Doctor for a second opinion.

Most if not all human beings throughout their lifetime will at one stage or another go and visit a Doctor. The reason for doing this is self evident whether it be for the treatment of influenza or for a more serious condition effecting for example the heart. It is often the case that people in general will not go into the reasons of why they needed to see a Doctor in the first place.

On the other hand most people falling prey to an illness will go for the quick service method in order to get their bodies physically better to carry on with their daily routine of work and earning a living. Pill popping does give instant relief and often is necessary to stop a headache in the short run. We often do this, get the relief and then shake it off without a thought as to why we got the headache in the first place.

Developing influenza for example is usually accountable for a depletion of the immune system. It may also be caused by a fast paced lifestyle and bad eating habits. The body can handle so much and when it becomes overloaded, will usually breakdown and take on ailments sending signals to the person that it is time to take a rest and reassess their physical condition.

Television programs such as the Dr. Oz show are hammering the cause of illness to be primarily due to stress. He also goes as far as in suggesting ways to overcome illness and fatigue which does cause the onset of major debilitating and life threatening illnesses. One such method is going for your weekly hour session of relaxation massage.

Relaxation massage does more for an individual than they can physically see initially. We as modern people want to see immediate results and expect them too. The misconception is that physical health can be bought like candy from candy store but rather it takes years of religiously building it into your way of life in order to give you the quality of life that you deserve.

About the Author: Julie Polson