The right brain controls the left side of the body and the left brain controls the right side of the body. The right brain is the more creative or emotional hemisphere and the left brain is the analytical and judgmental hemisphere. Anything that is new or not familiar to an individual is right brain dominant. Anything that is familiar is left brain dominant.Along with right and left brain there are different parts of the brain. The frontal lobe controls your personality, the temporal lobe deals with short and long term memory, the parietal lobe is the lobe of the hand, and the occipital lobe, the very back part of the head, controls vision.
Read More About [Left Brain Right Brain Test]

Left-brain teaching is linear. Lists to learn and memorize. Teachers talk. Kids write it down. Teachers have a plan. Kids follow the plan. Whoa there. You've just lost all those right-brain kids. Now they get poor grades. They're labeled with a learning disability. Maybe they get in trouble. Probably somebody thinks they have ADHD.

Activities that stimulate the right brain are emotional issues, the creative process, recalling memorized lists, any unfamiliar event or activity, and holding the attention span. Seeing or feeling different sizes, seeing different colors, attention exercises involving timing, seeing unfamiliar faces, and meeting someone new also stimulate the right brain..

First, let's take a look first at how the frontal lobes of the brain's neocortex work. This is the part of the brain right behind your forehead. The left side and the right side are connected by a fibrous band in the middle called the "corpus callosum." In order to use both sides of the brain, neurons on the left side have to be connected to neurons on the right side. In other words, the electrical charge between brain cells has to pass across the corpus callosum. O.K. that's the theory part.

There are also specific treatment modalities that a clinician may utilize to increase function or activation of the right or left brain. One example is big letters made up of small letters. If you look at the small letters you will fire right cerebellum to left brain. If you look at the big letters you will fire left cerebellum to right brain.Auditory stimulation (listening to nature sounds, clicks of a metronome, or Mozart in a major key) in the left ear comes up through the brain stem over to the right brain and vice versa for the right ear.

he Nobel award winner of the year 1981, Roger W. Sperry revealed, we could lessen the effect of seizures by cutting the corpus, which is connects the two hemisphere. The right side of the brain is regarded as wonderful on creative tasks. Right brained people can very easily perform task like expressing emotions, playing musical instruments, recognizing images, faces, and colors, revealing strong intuitive, can read emotions and command on creativity. And the left brained are amazing in logical thinking, questioning, language and numerical subjects, and crucial thinking.

We usually think about why two people never think in a similar manner. Perceptions differ according to the individuals. The brain is in integral and crucial part of the human body. We all have got one brain, but even then why do we follow the concept of left brain and right brain? The different thinking between two people leads to the discovery of the left brain and right brain concept. Many researchers had come up with different theories, but they were unable to prove the concept.

Those who are 'left-brainers' can definitely use the relaxation that the rhythmic word can bring, and use it to unlock lateral thinking. And 'right-brainers' can harness the power of rhyme to trick their brains into remembering all kinds of things that they shy away from, like the periodic table, or the names of dead presidents. Our two brains WANT to work together, and poetry is the perfect bridge to make that possible.

About the Author:  Marjorie S. Greenwood